We’re Begging You: Stop Using Spot Treatments To Try and ‘Cure’ Acne - Amaka

We’re Begging You: Stop Using Spot Treatments To Try and ‘Cure’ Acne

When you get a big, painful pimple, sticking on a pimple patch or spot cream may seem like the easiest fix. And while it’s true that spot treatments may help in the moment, with those individual zits, if you rely on them as your only acne treatment, you may be neglecting the underlying imbalance

While spot treating can get rid of a rogue spot, it doesn't address any of the already developed spots, and it doesn't prevent future spots from coming back. This is because by spot treating you're simply focusing on the external symptoms, ignoring the root causes.

We know that the knee-jerk response to zits may be to grab the benzoyl peroxide or a salicylic acid-infused spot treatment. The best thing you can do is to get ahead of the problem and create a routine that will keep acne at bay before it becomes visible. This way, you won't have to play catch up when it does. 

If you have acne-prone skin, this means adding zit-preventing ingredients into your diet even when you don't have any visible spots. Herbs like dandelion, burdock and milk thistle will help rid your liver and body of pimple-inducing toxins; and eating foods rich in zinc and vitamin E help to regulate sebum production as well as ward off inflammation to reduce post-zit damage. 

That said, we know that getting everything your skin needs from your diet is easier said than done. That’s why Clear Skin Food was developed with ingredients like grape seed, burdock and zinc to promote skin clarity and support your body’s toxin elimination pathways. 

By incorporating these internal aids into your skincare routine, you'll be able to prevent acne before it forms and becomes visible on your skin. 


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