Sugar Detox Plan For Beginners: What is it, and what to eat

Sugar Detox Plan For Beginners: What is it, and what to eat

The main problem with sugar is the more we eat it, the more we crave for it. This article from Amaka’s Notes will teach you what a sugar detox plan is, how to follow it, and how to finally free yourself from sugar!

The Gist

Sugar is important for you, which is why your body craves it.

However, your body doesn’t know how much is enough. One of the best ways you can remove sugar cravings is by following a sugar detox plan. Everything you need to remember with this plan is to avoid sugary food, and focus on protein and good fats. It’s also important to slowly free yourself from sugar, not all at once. Doing so will only cause unhealthier habits. 

In this article, you will learn how to follow an easy sugar detox plan for beginners from experts, which include what to eat, and what not to eat.

The Science

Women preparing salad for sugar detox plan

The sugar-craving cycle is not just you; humans are hardwired to crave sugar.

The sugar cravings are a part of our evolution. Food was scarce for our ancestors, and sugar was packed with the energy they needed. As a result, the body was programmed to love sugar, Darby Jackson, a personal trainer and holistic health coach, explains. 

The main problem with this is humans are not that far from our distant ancestors; we crave for the same cravings.

Studies show that becoming addicted to sugar is just as easy as becoming addicted to drugs and alcohol. This explains the surprising statistics behind sugar consumption. 

The recommended added sugar consumed per day is less than 25 grams, or less than six teaspoons. However, a study conducted from the University of California San Francisco reveals that the average American consumes around 71 grams, or 17 teaspoons, per day. 

Fortunately, sugar isn't a necessity. 

Most of us are used to the high amounts of sugar that we consume every day, and we are programmed to crave for more. But, with a little bit of conscious effort, and the right mix of nutritious foods, you can get rid of those sugar cravings and keep it out of your diet, mind, and storage. 

woman preparing a salad for sugar detox plan

Enter: sugar detox plan

The sugar detox is a healthy diet plan that will lead you to a sugar-less haven; it is an effort to keep as much sugar as you can from your diet. But how will you keep something off of your diet when it’s just so good? Answer: prepare a doable and enjoyable meet plan.

Lauren O’Connor, a registered dietician, recommends that one of the best first steps into your sugar detox journey is to look at labels. Just monitor what you eat; avoid sugar and stick to more whole foods. Slowly take off food like chips, bread, crackers, and other sugary food. 

It is also important to note that it is vital that you take things slow. Rushing into removing sugar from your diet can cause even more unhealthy habits and relationships with food, says O’Connor.

Here’s a free diet plan from these two experts that you can use for your sugar detox.


healthy scrambled eggs with veggies for sugar detox plan

The experts recommend focusing on high-quality protein foods for your first meal of the day, along with good fats to help with your energy. 

Jackson mentions that the easiest way to adjust to your sugar detox plan quicker is by changing your breakfast. Food such as whole eggs served with veggies, and yogurt parfaits are amazing choices for your breakfast. You can serve the eggs scrambled or in an omelette, topped with veggies and cheese. You can keep things simple with the yogurt parfait by adding granola, and top it with nuts and berries, which is O’Connor’s favorite breakfast.


black mother passing salad to son for sugar detox plan

For your lunch, the experts recommend you to prepare a salad with various veggies, legumes, and sources of good fats.

The experts mention that the best way to accomplish your plan to detox from sugar is to make sure you are getting lots of protein and healthy fats. Protein will give you that full feeling, and healthy fats stabilize blood sugar, as well as give you more energy. Jackson suggests a colorful salad with beans, quinoa, or lentils and topped with olive oil. The ingredients contain all the necessary nutrients to keep you sustained with energy all afternoon long.

Lunchtime is also a good time to top up your hydration levels. Apart from being essential for your body’s metabolic purposes, Jackson also informs you that drinking water helps you increase your mental fortitude in avoiding sugar cravings. 



salad with berries and fish for sugar detox plan

Your dinner is still all about those veggie-based meals with protein and healthy fats.

O’Connor mentions that you can include whole grains, like quinoa and brown rice, but don’t over-indulge; limit, not restrict starches. You can try a mix of roasted vegetables, mixed with wild salmon, avocado, and brown rice. This kind of meal plan for sugar detox is filling and warm, but it keeps you from the extra calories and unhealthy fat with other hot meals.


yogurt with nuts and berries for sugar detox plan

Snacks are not something to avoid.

O’Connor suggests that if you feel like you need to eat something, then you should. Starving yourself or keeping yourself from calories will only lead to binging and other unhealthy eating habits.

Hard-boiled or deviled eggs are one of O’Connor’s top choices for a healthy snack to include in your plan on what to eat during your sugar detox. According to her, the yolk includes nutrients, such as calcium and Vitamin B’s, which are great for your bones and your brain. 

A green smoothie made with spinach, four to five cubes of pineapple, half an avocado, and plant-based milk is one of the filling drinks, according to O’Connor. Filled with natural sweetness, the good fats and fiber will be great for your blood sugar.

Plain yogurt with berries is also a great choice to keep your blood sugar levels under control. The yogurt is full of protein and the berries are rich with antioxidants, offering an indulging, yet nutritious snack.

The key to eating snacks while on a sugar detox eating plan is to cut on the sugars and increase protein and good fats.

Hidden to avoid including in your sugar detox plan

There are less obvious foods that actually include a lot of sugar.

Packaged granola bars and wheat bread, while seemingly healthy, are actually full of sugars. Even protein bars can hide high amounts of sugar behind its protein. Another sugar-rich food to avoid are fruits. Although fruits are full of natural sugar, sugar is still, well, sugar. 

The Takeaway

Sugar cravings are normal to have, but we can control it by following steps through a sugar detox plan.

It starts by avoiding sugary snacks, and focusing on protein and healthy fats. By focusing on eating healthy foods, you will develop a more sound mind and body. The most important part to make your sugar detox eating plan successful is to make it fun. 

When you enjoy eating healthy, you’ll worry less about eating unhealthy food.